GEMA! Stories

Call Me Mother - Chapter 9

Subscriber Episode October 14, 2023 Tya Subiakto Season 1 Episode 9

Subscriber-only episode

"Romeo's Request," continues the story with Bounty waking up late for an important pitch. He rushes out of the house, stuck in a traffic jam, and finally arrives at the office. However, his colleagues are already gathered, and Om Bud, his superior, is furious with him. Bounty looks like a mess as he follows Om Bud into a room. Meanwhile, Tiara, Bounty's wife, is cleaning the dressing table when he confronts her about a photograph of a boy named Ronny. Bounty accuses Tiara of cheating on him and destroys the photo and other objects in a fit of anger. Tiara tries to protect their cat and her kittens, but Bounty hurts her and plans to throw the kittens away. In the midst of the chaos, Romeo, Tiara's son, witnesses the scene and confronts Bounty. Romeo hits Bounty and runs out of the house, searching for Tiara. Bounty follows him, fearing the worst. Romeo eventually finds Tiara standing in the middle of a highway, and as he tries to reach her, Bounty stops him. Tiara throws the cat aside and prepares to run, but she is struck by a truck. Everything goes black. Later, Tiara is diagnosed with complete paralysis, and Romeo waits by her side in the hospital, yearning for her to wake up. Vina, Romeo's mother, arrives and learns about Ronny Smith, Romeo's brother, from the photo. Romeo asks Vina to find Ronny.

In this capter, it reveals the escalating tension between Bounty and Tiara, resulting in a tragic accident that leaves Tiara paralyzed. Romeo's request to find Ronny Smith adds another layer of mystery to the story, hinting at a hidden past and potential family secrets.