GEMA! Stories

Call Me Mother - Chapter 8

Subscriber Episode October 14, 2023 Tya Subiakto Season 1 Episode 8

Subscriber-only episode

The clock struck midnight, and the room became a battleground of pain and resilience. Tiara, now in the throes of a cat's labor, channeled her maternal instincts, urging Revi to push with all her might. Together, their voices intertwined in a symphony of effort and hope.

In a moment of relief, a tiny life entered the world, covered in a protective membrane. Tiara delicately freed the newborn from its cocoon, and the room filled with the sweet sound of its first cries. Revi, instinctively nurturing her offspring, devoured the placenta while showering the newborn with tender licks. But the respite was short-lived, as the cycle of contractions seized Revi's body once again.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, Tiara found herself transported back in time, recalling her own labor eighteen years prior. She vividly remembered the encouraging words of an obstetrician, urging her to push, and the indescribable joy of holding her baby in her arms for the first time. The memories mingled with the present, reminding her of the strength and fragility of life.

As the narrative shifted, a flashback took us to a different time and place. Rahmat, clad in his pilot uniform, eagerly awaited the arrival of his newborn child. The weight of responsibility and anticipation hung in the air as Rahmat embraced his new role as a father. Little did he know that fate had a different plan in store for him.

Back in the present, Tiara's world shattered into a thousand pieces. The sound of breaking glass echoed through the house, foreshadowing the impending tragedy. A phone call brought devastating news from the airline where Rahmat worked—a plane he was piloting had vanished mid-flight, leaving no trace on the radar.

Tiara's tears flowed uncontrollably as the harsh reality of her husband's disappearance sank in. In her heart, she clung to his final words, "I'll be flying home," realizing now that he had departed for a place beyond reach. Helpless and overcome with grief, Tiara's anguish knew no bounds.

In the aftermath of the catastrophe, Tiara and her son, Ronny, were left to navigate a world forever altered. Their lives were now intertwined with loss and uncertainty, as they faced an unimaginable future without Rahmat. How would they find the strength to carry on, and what secrets would they uncover as they pieced together the fragments of their shattered lives?