GEMA! Stories

Call Me Mother - Chapter 7

Subscriber Episode October 14, 2023 Tya Subiakto Season 1 Episode 7

Subscriber-only episode

Tiara, Bounty's wife, arrives home with their son Romeo. However, their reunion is interrupted by a scream from upstairs. Rushing to investigate, Tiara finds Bounty holding a soiled shirt and angrily confronts her about allowing their cat into the bedroom. In a moment of escalating tension, Romeo intervenes, defending Tiara and admonishing his father for his behavior. Bounty is taken aback by his son's words and storms out of the house.

In the aftermath of the confrontation, Tiara and Romeo find solace in each other's embrace. Romeo takes care of their cat, Revi, and they share a mother-and-son moment. Meanwhile, Bounty focuses on his work at the creative agency, preparing a concept for Jukajo Juice. The strained atmosphere between Bounty and Tiara continues, with his cold response to her greeting.

Despite the tension at home, Tiara picks up Romeo from school, and they share a warm moment together. While they enjoy a movie at the cinema and go grocery shopping, Bounty remains immersed in his work, making changes to the creative concept for Jukajo Juice. The contrast between their lives becomes increasingly apparent.

As the story progresses, Vina, Romeo's teacher, emerges as a supportive figure in their lives. Romeo shows affection towards both Vina and Tiara, causing a hint of jealousy in Vina's gaze. While Tiara and Romeo bond, Bounty's work consumes him.

The chapter ends with Tiara preparing a plate of spaghetti Bolognese, intending to share it with someone else. Romeo questions her action, and Tiara reveals the plate is meant for Ronny, her deceased son. Tiara explains that Ronny is in her heart and welcomes Romeo to join him there. They share a poignant moment, solidifying their bond as mother and son.

In this chapter we explores the strained relationship between Bounty and Tiara, highlighting the contrasting dynamics between them and the growing bond between Tiara and Romeo. It portrays the emotional depth of their connection, emphasizing themes of love, forgiveness, and healing.