GEMA! Stories

Call Me Mother - Chapter 5

Subscriber Episode September 14, 2023 Tya Subiakto Season 1 Episode 5

Subscriber-only episode

At MACS909, Indonesia's renowned advertising agency, Bounty returns to work after his wedding, greeted with warmth and laughter. However, a meeting with Om Bud, the legendary creative advisor, reveals a missed deadline. Nonetheless, Om Bud entrusts Bounty with a crucial assignment: pitching for Jukajo Juice's latest product. As Bounty juggles his personal and professional life, his wife, Tiara, sacrifices her career to support him. With "First things first!" as their mantra, they face challenges together. Bounty must prove himself and deliver a captivating presentation, while balancing work and family. Will he succeed?

Join Bounty on this exhilarating journey as he navigates the demands of his profession, the support of loved ones, and the determination to prioritize what matters most.