GEMA! Stories

Call Me Mother - Chapter 3

Subscriber Episode September 14, 2023 Tya Subiakto Season 1 Episode 3

Subscriber-only episode

Tiara struggled with unpacking in their new house, while Bounty showed little interest in helping her. As she settled into their small room, she discovered Bounty fast asleep, unaware of her presence. Descending the stairs to unpack the tableware, Tiara was interrupted by knocks on the door. Opening it, she was greeted by Romeo, but he remained silent and aloof. Tiara's attempts to connect with him only resulted in his sudden escape. Confused, she was about to explain when Bounty rushed out after Romeo.

Later, at the dining table, Romeo's hostility towards Tiara persisted despite Bounty's efforts. The tension escalated as Romeo's anger grew. Tiara remained patient, determined to win his heart. However, Romeo abruptly retreated to his room, leaving Tiara with a heavy heart.

As the night fell, Tiara focused on unpacking, accompanied by a stray pregnant cat that she had invited in. When Bounty woke up, he noticed the cat and allowed Tiara to keep it. During dinner, Tiara's mention of an empty plate named "Ronny" puzzled Bounty. Before she could explain, he rushed to check on Romeo, leaving Tiara emotional and uncertain.

Will Tiara be able to overcome Romeo's rejection and find a way to connect with him? Can she navigate the challenges of being a stepmother and win over his trust? What will happen when Bounty discovers the truth about "Ronny"? Find out in the next chapter as secrets unravel and emotions run high, shaping their fragile family dynamics.